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About Mai Calev

As a Certified Life Mastery Consultant, and Certified DreamBuilder Life Coach. Mai can help you design and manifest a life that is in harmony with your Soul's purpose. Mai Calev is the author of the book, The Light That Shines, Through the Fields of Fear, and is also a Motivational Speaker, the Founder of Global Youth Delegation for Peace & Tolerance, Wife, Mother, and Friend. Mai loves God, life, her crystal healing therapy and energy work, people, animals, freedom, youth, and diversity, and all of humanity and the earth that is our home.

For the past decade, Mai has been conducting crystal healing therapy and energy work on people from every walk of life, from various locations around the globe. Mai has had the pleasure of experiencing many learning lessons in life. In particular, lessons on the lower vibrating energies of fear rooted in greed, guilt, shame, and self-doubt. Some of these lessons were learned through her experiences while healing others, and some of these lessons were lessons of Mai's own personal experiences and growth. Mai began keeping a journal in 2006, which she had hoped to someday write a book about. What transpired however, were many books (at least 4), and her book, The Light That Shines, Through the Fields of Fear, is the first book in The Light That Shines, series.

Mai conducts a series of seminars/workshops on:

The Vision Workshop ~ 3 Keys to Accelerating Your Results; Release Your Fears, Reclaim Your Life – Recognizing & Releasing the fears that no longer serve you; the healing series titled, The Healer In You, and is excited about a variety of other projects, such as her teaching series, Aligning With the Laws of the Universe, and new book releases coming out soon. The next book released in The Light That Shines, series is about Guilt: Giving Up Internal Loving Thoughts™© Mai would be ever so honored and humbled if you joined her on this life journey.